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Parrot Behavior Modification


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Charlie Harding

Parrot Behavior Modification


Автор, консультант по поведению попугаев приводит 40 причин, поясняющих, почему попугаи кричат, и 25-40 причин, почему они кусаются.


Вопросы, рассматриваемые в книге:
The common mistakes ALL parrot owners make
The important aspects of socializing and bonding
How to keep your parrot entertained, happy, and occupied even when you're at work all day
What are puzzle or interactive toys and why they are so VERY important
How to use positive reinforcement with your parrot and the reasons it works
How and why to establish yourself as "Top Bird"
What behavioral effects lack of sleep can have on birds and how much sleep is enough
About the negative effects of smoking and how they relate to birds
About full spectrum lighting and the benefits of it for you AND your birds
How often does your bird need a bath and how bathing relates to feather picking
How to avoid behavioral problems when your bird is on your shoulder
How to prevent aggression from ruining your relationship with your companion parrot
About common parrot behavior myths and why they are myths
How to keep your bird happy using popular behavior modification techniques
Also about the tools that can be used in keeping your bird tame, sweet and happy
Methods that can be used to tame a bird that may be too frightened to be handled
How to understand typical body language in birds and how to learn to understand your bird through its sounds, behavior and actions
How many toys should the bird have at one time and how toys have a definite psychological effect on a parrot's behavior
The "One Person Bird": How to prevent your bird from becoming one and how to rehabilitate your bird if they already are a one person bird
How to prevent your bird from becoming cage-bound also learn how to coax your bird from its cage if it is cage bound or if it is territorial on or around its cage.


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